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The following is a press release from De La Salle University (DLSU).
Two groups of undergraduate business students received gold awards for participating in separate competitions organized by the Global Chinese Marketing Federation (GCMF) held at the Marketing Institute of Singapore (MIS) on July 15, 2023.
The events – Global Brand Planning Competition (GBPC) and Business Event Planning Competition (BEPC) – were joined by various schools coming from China, Thailand, Singapore, Tanzania, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines. The DLSU Team for the BEPC took the second runner-up and Best Performing Team award.
Spearheaded by the DLSU Junior Entrepreneurs’ Marketing Association (JEMA), the groups were formed as Team Let’s GU and Team Arrows.
Team Let’s GU, led by Rav Ryan Ocampo (fourth year, ENT) with members Nurjanjam II Alfad (fourth year, MKT), Gianna Yasmeen Cham (third year, APC), Maria Angelica Pechon (third year, APC), and Eunice Nicolle Uy Tan (third year, APC), competed in the GBPC.

The BEPC competing team, Team Arrows, was composed of team leader Madeline Tee (fifth year BSMS-IE), with Kent Harvey Iñgel (third year, MKT), Sophie Marie Rendon (third year, APC), Ralph Stephen Saavedra (third year, AEI-BSA), and Danielle Alisson Tan (third year, MKT).

Both teams presented their marketing campaigns to a panel for a given brand with one week of preparation. The students were supported by the Department of Marketing Management and Advertising, with their mentors, Dustine Mae Gaviño, MMC, and John Laurence Robes, MMC, for GBPC and BEPC, respectively. —
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