This is AI generated summarization, which may have errors. For context, always refer to the full article.

What are these communities for?
These communities allow us to find like-minded individuals across various Rappler topics from business, personal finance, human rights, and world affairs, to movies, Kpop, collegiate sports, and consumer-facing technology.
These allow you to participate in a positive community where you and other members can discuss all the hot topics of the day, as well as the issues that matter.
Who can join these communities?
Anyone is free to join, and be a healthy contributor in building up Rappler Communities – a community that is unentangled from manipulative algorithms, and protected from the toxicity found in social media platforms today.
What makes these communities unique from other forums online?
What makes Communities unique is its vision of reimagining how online communities should be. Chats are closely moderated by the journalists themselves, and from time to time, we bring in Rappler’s Thought Leaders (which you can read about more below) to shed more light on their topics of expertise, be it the national economy, or how things are in the West Philippine Sea.
More than that, another key pillar of Communities is its use of what is known as the Matrix protocol (check out our FAQ on the Matrix protocol, and other technologies used by our platform here) which allows for “decentralized” communications.
How can I join a community?
First you need to sign up for an account, go to, type in your first name, last name, preferred email, password, and location up to the city level. You can also use your Facebook, Google, Apple, or X account.
An email will be sent to you to confirm.
After confirmation, you can now join any of the chat rooms based on your interests, by clicking the chat room, and then clicking join.
How does Rappler moderate these communities?
We follow Rappler’s Community Guidelines, listed here, with Rappler journalists and its civic engagement team at the helm. These include guidelines on kindness and courtesy, hate speech and bullying, truthfulness in posts, copyright, and privacy.
AI is also used to automatically moderate some content such as swear words.
I want to report a person in a community chat. How do I do this?
Hover over a message. Click the vertical three dots. Click on “report message.” Click on the appropriate reason such as spam or pornography, or you can also choose to write a more detailed report. Click on report message, and our moderators will take care of the rest.
Repeat or grave offenders may be subject to serious action such as a ban.
What happens when a user is reported?
When a user is reported, human moderators will check to see if the content of the report is actionable and can choose to remove individual messages, or kick a user from a chat community for egregious actions. For more serious infractions, moderators can also institute a ban on a user account.
What is a Thought Leader?
Thought Leaders are experts in a given field, key opinion leaders, leaders of influential and credible organizations, or someone whose opinion piece, if published on Rappler, would be identified as a Thought Leader piece. Thought Leaders can be identified in the chat rooms by a mark beside their username. Thought Leaders were also given early access to the application.
Can I become a Thought Leader?
Thought Leaders are picked by Rappler’s editorial team based on credibility, track record, and engagement with us. If you wish to be given Thought Leader status on the app, you can email We’ll assess based on the standards used by the editorial team and let you know.
Will there be new communities in the future?
New communities can be made on the app, but are dependent on initial response to usage of currently existing communities and requests for specific communities to be made. For now, we have tried to make the existing communities inclusive of key topics.
Can we talk to Rappler journalists on the app?
Rappler journalists will be using the app as well, and will likely be talking to other chat users in their respective fields or communities they’re interested in.
You can read our other FAQs here:
Rappler Communities: Platform FAQs
Rappler Communities: Tech FAQs
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