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This is a press release from IBON Foundation.
Research and advocacy group IBON Foundation will be holding this year’s Midyear Birdtalk as Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s administration ends its first year in office.
The midyear forum will be presenting data and analysis on the country’s current situation and assess the Marcos government’s first year performance – from promises made to measures actually undertaken on pertinent issues. These include economic recovery and growth, jobs and food security, fiscal stability, climate action, governance, and foreign policy.
Did Marcos’ pledge to the electorate translate to people-centered economic and political strategies? What are the immediate and longer-term doables that can be pushed to address the country’s chronic woes?
The upcoming 2023 Midyear Birdtalk will be on Tuesday, July 18, at 2 pm at the University of the Philippines School of Statistics.
Birdtalk is a biannual forum where IBON presents its analysis and prospects of the country’s key socioeconomic and political trends. It aims to promote a wider understanding of economics and alternatives from the perspective of the Filipino people.
There will be a P100 registration fee to cover food and venue costs. Interested attendees are advised to register at to help secure slots.
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