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MANILA, Philippines – Journalists nowadays are condemned for doing their jobs. What happens if they don’t push back? What are the possible consequences when citizens believe they no longer need the press?
The growing abundance of places to obtain information is putting credible news at risk. This is exacerbated by efforts to debilitate press freedom and everyone who stands for it. At this rate, the pressure for journalists to retain their place in a democracy will only intensify.
Today’s public sphere has seen the rise of influencers, propagandists, trolls, and the like who actively partake in spreading disinformation online. Many rely on the internet as source of information, and it may be a matter of time before people are unable to distinguish what’s credible or false.
Journalists, along with activists and fact checkers, will not concede to this trend. Amid personal attacks and ongoing threats to press freedom is a need to uphold their commitment to the truth and right to criticize. But how can they work against people’s waning trust in the news? How can others show their support for members of the press and protect their own right to trustworthy sources? How does fact-checking improve the way we consume information?
To answer these questions and more, join us in our fact-checking webinar titled, “How can we #HoldTheLine in the post-truth era?” It is happening on Friday, December 2, at 4 pm, spearheaded by MovePH, Rappler’s civic engagement arm.
This is part of MovePH’s series of fact-checking webinars, which aims at teaching participants about the current online landscape, how to spot and combat disinformation online, and about initiatives to help spread facts.
The program will feature the following speakers:
- Gemma Mendoza – Rappler head of digital services
- Loreben Tuquero – Rappler researcher-writer
- Ailla dela Cruz – Rappler researcher-writer
This webinar is co-presented by Amateur Media Association of Philippine Scouts, AUF College of Arts and Sciences – Lighthouse, Batangas Eastern Colleges, FEU IAS – Department of Communication, Kasingkasing Press, Limitless Lab, Rotary Club of Malolos Congreso, and The Kingfisher SLSU.
The show will happen on Zoom. Only limited slots are available.
Interested participants may register here.
Registration is open until Thursday, December 1, at 5 pm. If you signed up past the deadline or have any questions about the event, you may send an email to Registered participants will receive a confirmation email from MovePH on or before December 1. – with reports from Marypaul Jostol/
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