Senate of the Philippines

Senate probe into construction of resort within Chocolate Hills sought

Bonz Magsambol

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Senate probe into construction of resort within Chocolate Hills sought

ECC. The Captain’s Peak Garden and Resort is found in the protected zone of the Chocolate Hills in Bohol.

The Captain's Peak Garden and Resort's Facebook page

'We understand the importance of development, but there should be boundaries,' says Senator Nancy Binay, who chairs the Senate tourism committee

MANILA, Philippines – Senator Nancy Binay on Wednesday, March 13, filed a resolution seeking a probe, in aid of legislation, into the construction of structures within the vicinity of the Chocolate Hills in the province of Bohol.

In Senate Resolution No. 967, Binay said that it is the “duty of the Senate to help protect and maintain the natural, biological, and physical diversities of environment, particularly on areas with biologically unique features, to sustain human life and development.”

Senate probe into construction of resort within Chocolate Hills sought

Binay, who chairs the Senate tourism committee, said that she was mad upon seeing that a resort was constructed within the location of the Chocolate Hills.

“We understand the importance of development, but there should be boundaries. If the DENR continues to issue ECCs in the guise of ‘tourism development,’ then I believe they have misunderstood what ecotourism is all about, and they have become complicit to defacing a natural monument they’re supposed to oppose,” she said.

The  Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) said that as of Wednesday, its local officials had been instructed to check whether the resort was compliant with a temporary closure order issued in September 2023.

Speaking with Rappler, Captain’s Peak Resort administrator Julieta Sablas confirmed that their business establishment had received the closure order but that they were appealing the decision.

She also admitted that they were still in the process of obtaining an environmental compliance certificate.

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Bonz Magsambol

Bonz Magsambol covers the Philippine Senate for Rappler.