LGBTQ+ rights

Rappler Talk: ‘Drag is not a crime’ with Pura Luka Vega

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Rappler Talk: ‘Drag is not a crime’ with Pura Luka Vega
Justice reporter Lian Buan talks to Pura Luka Vega in this episode of Rappler Talk, airing 4 pm on Thursday, March 14

MANILA, Philippines – Drag performer Pura Luka Vega stands to face a string of criminal charges of the pre-war penal law against “indecent and immoral shows” over a drag performance of the Catholic Church song Ama Namin (The Lord’s Prayer).”

Pura has scored a key win so far: a resolution by a Tacloban prosecutor saying that the performance, if taken as a whole, has “serious  literary, artistic, political or scientific value.”

Now, Pura has become a symbol of resistance against “these archaic laws.”

Justice reporter Lian Buan talks to Pura in this episode of Rappler Talk, airing 4 pm on Thursday, March 14. –

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