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In this journey called life, we encounter different kinds of love, and for AboitizPower, it’s one that’s directed towards the community and the Philippines.
AP shows its love to the community by empowering the homes of Filipinos, with its purpose to “Transform Energy for a Better World.” For decades, the company has provided stable, affordable, and sustainable energy while playing its part in responding to the country’s rising power demand and supporting economic growth.
While we strive for a balanced energy mix, we also pursue a brighter tomorrow for our host communities by contributing to local taxes and employment and providing them with livelihood, training, and aid packages.
Among our initiatives is a partnership with DORECO, where we turned over medical equipment for the communities of Davao Oriental to promote proactive health monitoring and support emergency response. The supplies include blood pressure monitoring devices, medical manikins, and spineboards.
Meanwhile, AP subsidiary Therma Visayas marked the 7th year of its Carbon Sink Management Program with 770,000 trees planted en route to achieving a 10-year one million trees target through 2027. Under the program, some 277 tree farm partners earn from payments to their seedlings, maintenance services, fruits, and trees.
In celebration of Valentine’s Day, the company reiterates its devotion to uplifting the lives of every Filipino, with its main agenda to provide reliable power for the good of the people and the world. –
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