
CHR launches probe into harassment vs journalists covering Angeles demolition

John Sitchon

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CHR launches probe into harassment vs journalists covering Angeles demolition

MEDIA. The Central Luzon Media Association (CLMA) condemned the violence committed against their fellow organization members Joann Manabat and Rowena Quejada during a demolition operation on Tuesday, March 12.


(1st UPDATE)'There is no justification to violence against media workers, nor any human being, merely performing their jobs legally and within the bounds of the law,' a media organization in Central Luzon also asserts

CEBU, Philippines – The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) said on Wednesday, March 13, that it would investigate the threat and intimidation that two journalists faced while covering a demolition of houses in Angeles City, Pampanga on Tuesday, May 12.

Armed men threatened to shoot Rappler reporter Joann Manabat for taking videos of the scene, while members of the demolition team confronted K5 News FM anchor Rowena Quejada and took her belongings, according to the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP).

The regional office in Central Luzon of the CHR has dispatched a quick response team to look into the incident.

“As an independent human rights institution, the commission actively condemns all acts of violence against journalists as these negatively impact the situation of press freedom of the country and may lead the Philippine democracy towards decay,” the commission’s statement read.

“We stress the crucial role of the media in the upkeep of the information flow across all Filipinos. Any threats which may deter them from fulfilling their duty is a clear violation of the freedom of the press,” the CHR added.

The Central Luzon Media Association (CLMA) – of which Manabat and Quejada are members – also decried the harassment endured by their colleagues.

The organization called on President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to ensure protective measures for journalists from groups that may threaten freedom of the press.

CHR launches probe into harassment vs journalists covering Angeles demolition

“There is no justification to violence against media workers, nor any human being, merely performing their jobs legally and within the bounds of the law,” the CLMA said.

“In solidarity, CLMA will help ensure that the case will not be a mere addition to the statistics of the alarmingly growing cases of violence against media persons in the country. We will provide not only moral, but also legal, and other assistance as may be necessary,” the group added.

Tuesday’s incident took place at Sitio Balubad in Barangay Anunas, where some 2,000 residents have been fighting to keep their ownership of the land that is currently being claimed by Clarkhills Properties Corporation. 

A violent demolition operation broke out, and the ensuing gunfire wounded at least five people.

CHR launches probe into harassment vs journalists covering Angeles demolition

Police said they arrested two persons carrying firearms at the demolition operation.

Quejada was initially reported missing after covering the demolition. She was found safe later the same day, with the NUJP saying a Japanese national helped her and hid her inside his home until tensions eased.

Meanwhile, the management of K5 News FM Philippines based in Bacolod City also called on authorities to conduct an investigation into the threats to media by armed during the Angeles City demolition.

“Rowena Quejada is our anchorwoman/peporter, and she was simply doing her job as a member of the fourth estate covering the demolition of houses at Sitio Balubad, Barangay Anunas, Angeles City,” said K5 News FM Philippines’ network operations manager Eljohn Castaño in a statement.

Castaño added that “a civilian who was near the area saw that Ka-K5 Weng was being harassed by still unidentified persons as she was in the Frontline covering the demolition who hurriedly gave her support and hid her in a safe space.” –

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