
Happy ending for ‘Baguio Cinderella Story 2.0’

Mia Magdalena Fokno

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Happy ending for ‘Baguio Cinderella Story 2.0’

REUNITED. Pamela is reunited with her missing shoe. With her is POSD chief Daryll Kim Longid holding her shoes.

Baguio POSD

The missing shoe that sparked a viral poem in Baguio City has found its way to its owner

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – The mystery of the missing shoe has found its delightful resolution in the heart of Baguio City on Tuesday, March 12.

The saga began with a single shoe searching for its owner, and the tale took a whimsical turn straight to the steps of city hall. The plot thickened as the POSD traced the owner’s journey to reclaim her wayward slipper. 

The story’s heroine, Pamela, made her entrance not with a grand ball invitation but with a simple realization that one of her shoes had gone AWOL after Sunday church service. Swapping her heels for flats at the time, she unwittingly left a shoe behind and only discovered its absence the following day. 

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Baguio’s lost shoe sparks viral poem

Baguio’s lost shoe sparks viral poem

Her quest led her to the POSD, thanks to a shared post by Baguio’s vigilant PIO, mistakenly directing her to city hall before finding sanctuary in the POSD market office.  

Greeted with smiles, Pamela recounted her tale of loss and discovery. It seems divine intervention from her Sunday devotion led to a Cinderella moment, Baguio style. 

Her joyous reunion with her shoe was celebrated, not with a royal decree, but with a poem, courtesy of the POSD chief Daryll Kim Longid, heralding the return of the prodigal shoe:  

Baguio Cinderella 2.0 Update!

Oh, lonely slipper, your saga did inspire,
A city-wide search, a tale to admire.
Found at last, the owner did appear,
Bringing to a close, our shoe mystery here.

From Nigeria’s shores to Baguio’s embrace,
Pamela sought knowledge, with elegance and grace.
A slipper lost, from church to abode,
Led to a story, poetically ode.

Cinderella 2.0, of modern-day lore,
Found not a prince, but something more.
A community united, by a shoe’s simple plight,
Found friendship and laughter, in the morning light.

This tale of reunion, so heartwarmingly told,
Reminds us of connections, more precious than gold.
In Baguio, a city of pine and mist,
A single shoe’s journey, will always persist.

So here ends the tale of Pamela and her slipper,
A story of lost and found, that’s never been chipper.
Baguio Cinderella 2.0, a story to behold,
A testament to a community, wonderfully

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