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FULL VIDEO: Live Chat with Mae Paner, Raffy Lerma and Rambo Talabong

Happy Feraren

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FULL VIDEO: Live Chat with Mae Paner, Raffy Lerma and Rambo Talabong

Last March 16, we held a Rappler+ Live Chat featuring artist activits Mae Paner, photojournalist Raffy Lerma, and Rappler multimedia reporter Rambo Talabong.

The discussion during this online event was about the challenges that journalists and artists face when telling stories about the lives lost during Duterte’s drug war.

How do we continue telling these difficult and painful stories in a climate of hate speech, disinformation, and propaganda? And more importantly, to ensure we remember and continue to remember these stories.

Watch the interview here:

FULL VIDEO: Live Chat with Mae Paner, Raffy Lerma and Rambo Talabong

Watch the full recording of the private Q&A that followed here:

Password: Art@Journal1sm

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