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MANILA, Philippines – Recent events have highlighted the role of youth-led movements in driving change.
The outcry from over 800 members of the Ateneo de Manila University community prompted the university administration to suspend its plan to upgrade the North Carpark inside the campus. Both students and faculty raised concerns about the project’s impacts on the environment and quality of life inside the campus.
Similarly, amid the Israel-Palestine conflict, various student-led organizations mobilized to support Palestinian refugees sheltering at the University of the Philippines Diliman campus.
These are just some of the movements that underscore the proactive stance of today’s youth in confronting pressing societal issues.
What are some of the lessons and insights that we can learn from these initiatives? How can students and youth extend their impact within and beyond the campus borders to address broader societal issues? How can they navigate through challenges such as resistance or pushback against their efforts to address these issues? How can student journalists best cover these movements for greater impact?
To answer these questions and more, Rappler’s civic engagement arm MovePH will be hosting an onground event called “By the youth, for the youth: How to take action on issues within and beyond the campus.” This is happening on Saturday, February 17, at 1 pm at the Rappler office.
This on-ground event includes a panel discussion with various youth leaders, followed by a Q&A portion and a breakout session aimed at providing attendees a space to share best practices with peers, and collaborate with like-minded people, from campuses and spaces beyond theirs.
Highlights of the event will be available exclusively in Rappler’s app, Rappler Communities. You’ll see these highlights by downloading the app, tapping the Communities tab below, then joining the #FactsFirstPH chat room.
This combination of in-person and virtual chats is a platform where people can speak, ask, listen, and act with a community as invested in progress as you are, as facilitated by our new app .
Want to attend? Here’s how!
Interested students, youth leaders, student journalists, young professionals, and members of youth or school organizations are invited to join this free event. Click the button below to register or fill up this form on or before Wednesday, February 14. Slots are limited!
An email will be sent to confirm reservation to the on-ground event.
Ahead of the event, we encourage you to download the Rappler Communities app as we will be utilizing it during the event. It is available on both iOS and Android.
For questions about the event, email –
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