Fighting disinformation

Join MovePH’s webinar, ‘Fact-finding in vlogging: For today’s video’

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Join MovePH’s webinar, ‘Fact-finding in vlogging: For today’s video’
MovePH, with Ateneo de Davao University’s SHS Leadership Development Program Office, will hold a webinar on how to fact-check videos and raise awareness about the roles people should play in proliferating truth

MANILA, Philippines – The May 2022 national elections was marked by the proliferation of disinformation, and among those who pushed propaganda and contributed to the problem were trolls and pro-candidate vloggers.

As more and more people turn to video consumption, how do we spot content peddling false information? What happens if more people believe these videos without fact-checking?

What are the dangers and effects of disinformation in the Philippines, which continues to be highly polarized by politics? What are the roles of vloggers and social media personalities in proliferating the truth? How do we apply the fact-checking methodology and spot-checking on vlogging platforms? 

We explore this and more in an upcoming webinar organized by Rappler’s civic engagement arm MovePH, titled “Fact-finding in vlogging: For today’s video” happening on Friday, October 7, at 1 pm. 

This is done in partnership with the Senior High School-Leadership Development Program of Ateneo de Davao University, the Arrupe Office for Social Formation, and the Ignatian Spirituality Formation Office.

The webinar will feature the following speakers:

  • Gemma Mendoza – Rappler head of digital services
  • Loreben Tuquero – Rappler researcher-writer

It will be hosted by Rappler’s head of community Jules Guiang and Office of Learners Activities coordinator Paul Adriel Loquias.

The webinar will happen on Zoom. Only limited slots are available.

Interested participants may register here.

Registration is open until October 6, at 5 pm. If you signed up past the deadline or have any questions about the event, you may send an email to Registered participants will receive a confirmation email from MovePH on or before October 6.

Those unable to register may also check out the Facebook Livestream via MovePH’s social media pages and Ateneo’s Ignatian Spirituality Formation Office TV via Facebook and Youtube.

This webinar is supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation. – with reports from Quianna Verazel Dizon/ 

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