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This is a press release from International School Manila.
MANILA, Philippines – International School Manila (ISM) is thrilled to announce the opening of applications for its scholarship program for the school year 2024-2025.
Known for propelling students to secure scholarships at top colleges and universities locally and abroad, the program embodies ISM’s commitment to fostering a learning community that upholds the highest possible standards of education and nurtures the intellectual and humanitarian qualities of its students.
Empowering lives through education
Since 1960, the ISM scholarship program has been a catalyst for change, empowering over 200 scholars and their families to reach academic and professional goals.
Geo (Class of 2004) was able to secure a full scholarship at Hamilton College in New York after graduating from ISM, a testament to the program’s impact. As shared by Geo: “[The ISM scholarship program] was an unlocked door. A stepping stone. A chance to be. A chance to be more. A once in a lifetime chance.”
Transformative testimonials
Emman (Class of 2022) and Andreana (Class of 2021) both shared that the ISM scholarship program served as a transformative force, not just financially but as a motivator for their academic and personal growth.
“The Scholarship Program is nothing short of a life-changing experience. It opened up so many pathways for me not only educationally but most especially about myself. I had the chance to take part in robotics, I became a swimmer, and I even fostered an interest and curiosity for filmmaking,” Emman said.
Andreana noted that her time at ISM has been extremely enriching. “What truly makes ISM unique is the profound change it brought to my perspective – of myself, of people, and of the world,” she shared.
Both Emman and Andreana are pursuing mechanical engineering at New York University-Abu Dhabi on full-ride scholarships.
Jessica (Class of 2017) noted that she is grateful that ISM gave her the time to grow and the space to step outside of her comfort zone. “[Through the program], I became less afraid of failure and more in love with learning new skills and developing new interests. Eventually, I was able to achieve things that my 13-year old self could not have imagined.”
After the ISM scholarship program, Jessica’s journey of growth continued at Columbia University. And after graduating with a degree in sociology and working in New York, she is now pursuing her passion for law at the University of the Philippines.
Opening opportunities
As ISM opens the doors for its SY 2024-2025 scholarship program, it is an invitation for Filipino citizens to script their own stories. Beyond academic opportunities, the need-based scholarship covers essential fees such as tuition, matriculation, and more – extending for five years, beginning in Grade 8.
Application details
The deadline for the submission of applications is on January 11, 2024. For further information on qualifications and requirements, parents and candidates are encouraged to visit their site or contact the ISM Middle School Counseling Office at 8840.8555 / 8840.8550 / 8840.8553 or –
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