This is AI generated summarization, which may have errors. For context, always refer to the full article.

Here are the articles with corrections for December 2023
This is Rappler’s corrections page for December 2023. Please read the Editor’s Note in each of these reports:
- The state of HIV epidemic in the Philippines
- PIE Channel drops television, to go fully digital in 2024
- ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ star Andre Braugher dies at 61
- FAST FACTS: Frederick Go to head Marcos’ new investment affairs office
- Gov’t workers’ year-end bonuses grew to over P4 billion in 2022
- Tapales falls in 10th as Inoue unifies super bantam with KO win
- Tapales concedes Inoue too fast, skillful after KO loss in unification bout
- Echoes from the court: The 1978 World Basketball Championship in Manila
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